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  • Program Overview

    The Student Externship Matching Grant Awards program provides an important partnering opportunity between the AAFP Foundation and AAFP Chapters and Chapter Foundations. Chapters or Chapter Foundations are encouraged to work with an academic institution or Family Medicine residency program to identify and provide a one-on-one, student-to-mentor experience.

    The goal of the Student Externship Matching Grants Program is to stimulate interest among medical students to select a career and/or pursue research opportunities in Family Medicine.

    Since its inception, the Student Externship Matching Grants program has partnered with AAFP Chapters and Chapter Foundations in 43 states and the District of Columbia and provided $1,288,750 in matching grants to support 1030 student externships. Each matching grant is $1,250.

    Student Externship Matching Grants are available only to AAFP Chapters and AAFP Chapter Foundations.

    Program & Chapter Details

    Program Administration

    The AAFP Foundation has established broad parameters for administering the program and recognizes that AAFP Chapters/Chapter Foundations may need to develop additional guidelines specific to their situation. These modifications may be made, with approval from the AAFP Foundation, as long as they adhere to the overall goal of exposing students to Family Medicine and fostering a one-on-one clinical and/or research experience between the medical student and his/her family physician mentor.

    Chapter/Chapter Foundation Responsibilities

    1. Identify the initial $1,250 to support 50% of a $2,500 externship grant. The Chapter's/Chapter Foundation's $1,250 match must be secured prior to submitting the Letter of Intent.
    2. Identify Family Medicine mentors/preceptors and match them with the extern(s).
    3. When possible, award the externship to students involved with a Family Medicine Interest Group.
    4. Develop a procedure and schedule for the setting up the externship and disbursing externship funds.
    5. Acknowledge AAFP Foundation support in any program materials developed.
    6. Complete a brief survey on the SEMG program.
    7. Complete a Request for Payment form (more information below) from AAFP Foundation once the mentor and student extern have been matched.

    Requesting Payment

    The Request for Payment form(1 page DOC) should be submitted once the student and mentor have been matched.

    1. One form should be completed for each matching grant received unless more than one student is funded using a matching grant.
    2. If more than one student is funded with a matching grant, then one Request for Payment form should be completed for each student funded through that matching grant.
    3. It is the responsibility of the Chapter or Chapter Foundation that received the matching grant to submit the Request for Payment form.

    Application Details

    Open application period for Student Externship Matching Grants: February 1 through April 1.

    Read the application and program guidelines.

    Only AAFP Constituent Chapters and Chapter Foundations should sumbit the application. Applications will not be accepted from medical schools or students.

    2024 Matching Grant Recipients

    Twenty-four matching grants totaling $30,000 were awarded to the following 11 Constituent Chapters and/or Chapter Foundations:

    • California AFP Foundation
    • Colorado AFP Foundation
    • Delaware AFP Research & Education Foundation
    • Family Health Foundation of Illinois
    • Family Medicine Foundation of Michigan
    • Family Health Foundation of Missouri
    • Minnesota AFP Foundation
    • Mississippi AFP Foundation
    • North Carolina AFP Foundation
    • Ohio AFP Foundation
    • Pennsylvania AFP Foundation

    AAFP Foundation Logo

    The AAFP Foundation strives to create a sense of belonging through an inclusive environment that embraces the family medicine community by recognizing individual uniqueness and contributions to family medicine.