• Mentor Match

    Every effort is made to place mentors geographically near the student/resident to be mentored; however, this cannot always be achieved. Primary considerations for matching include mentor track preference and topic areas of interest.

    Length and Frequency of Contact

    It is important that mentors are available to the assigned mentee during the 12 months that span the time between the first and second FUTURE (formerly National Conference). Before attending the leadership program, residents and students are assigned or "matched" with an AAFP family physician mentor, then through an initial introductory call or email, a scheduled method of monthly required contact will be established. The minimum monthly contacts can be by phone call/text, email or, if possible, a face-to-face meeting. These opportunities help accomplish the goals of developing a productive relationship, allowing the mentee to ask questions of interest, in general, and those specifically related to his or her project, and allowing the mentor to assess progress on the mentee's Leadership Project.

    Beyond the project deadline, less frequent communication may be needed, though some additional communication regarding the ongoing activities and curricular life of the student/resident is advantageous.

    Though an occasional face-to-face meeting is desirable, it is not required. However, if the mentor can attend FUTURE and willing to travel at his or her own expense, this is a great opportunity for an in-person "meet and greet".

    Leadership Project

    The mentor is involved with two major deadlines: The Leadership Project Plan (charter/detailed timeline) and final Leadership project submission. After attending the FML Emerging Leader Institute, mentees prepare and work on their project topic/idea, then share with mentor to develop their Leadership Project Plan. Once the mentor has discussed the Leadership Project Plan with the mentee, the mentor signs off in October.

    During the months leading up to the final Leadership Project submission, monthly contact should continue, even if it is a quick check-in. We’ve developed a Best Practices resource document that can be reviewed and downloaded.

    As the Leadership Project submission deadline approaches, the AAFP Foundation expects and requires mentees to share the final draft of their project with the mentor. The project scoring sheet, containing the evaluation criteria that is used by the FML Work Group members in evaluating/scoring the projects, is provided to mentors to help them understand how the projects will be judged. This knowledge may be useful to provide constructive feedback to the mentees for final project revisions. Mentors will be required to sign off on the final project submission before the project can be submitted by the resident or student in March.

    End of the Mentoring Period

    At the end of the mentoring period, the mentor and mentee are asked to complete a survey evaluating their experience with the mentoring portion of the FM Leads Emerging Leader Institute. After this point, the mentoring relationship can continue informally, so long as both parties agree. However, the mentoring relationship is no longer under the Emerging Leader Institute program.

    Become a Mentor

    If you are interested in serving as a mentor for the Family Medicine Leads Emerging Leader Institute, and are a current AAFP member, please email Matt Duncan.

    Not an AAFP member? Join now.

    Faculty (past and current)

    Thank you to our volunteers who spend numerous hours to help make the Family Medicine Leads Emerging Leader Institute a huge success!

    Jay Sheree-Allen, MD
    Moazzum Bajwa, MD, MPH
    Wendy Biggs, MD, FAAFP
    Kisha Davis, MD, MPH, FAAFP
    Jay Fetter, MSHA
    Rachel Franklin, MD, FAAFP
    Dennis Gingrich, MD
    Gretchen Irwin, MD, MBA, FAAFP
    Jessica Johnson, MD, MPH
    Danielle Jones, MPH
    Rick Kellerman, MD, FAAFP
    Christina Kelly, MD, FAAFP
    Russell Kohl, MD, FAAFP
    Kristina Laguerre, MD, MPH
    Evelyn Lewis&Clark, MD, MA, FAAFP, DABDA
    Carolyn Lopez, MD, FAAFP
    Jason Marker, MD, MPA, FAAFP
    Viviana Martinez-Bianchi, MD, FAAFP
    Jennifer Bacani McKenney, MD, FAAFP
    S. Hughes Melton, MD, MBA, DABAM, FAAFP
    Robert Moser, MD, FAAFP
    Beth Oller, MD
    Christina Pedro, MD, MBA
    Perry Pugno, MD, FAAFP
    Richard Roberts, MD, JD, FAAFP
    Margot Savoy, MD, MPH, FAAFP, FABC, CPE, CMQ, FAAPL
    Brooke Sciuto, MD
    P. Brent Smith, MD, MSc, MLS, FAAFP
    Josh Umbehr, MD
    Kevin Wang, MD, FAAFP
    Christopher Watson, MD, MPH
    Mary Jo Welker, MD, FAAFP
    Kim Yu, MD, FAAFP


    Mentors (past and current)

    Thank you to our volunteers who spend numerous hours to help make the Family Medicine Leads Emerging Leader Institute a huge success!

    Suzanne Allen, MD, MPH, FAAFP
    Moazzum Bajwa, MD, MPH
    Kimberly Becher, MD
    Mark Belfer, DO, FAAFP
    Kenneth Bertka, MD, FAAFP
    Reid Blackwelder, MD, FAAFP
    Jaren Blake, MD, FAAFP
    Russ Breish, MD, FAAFP
    Donald Briscoe, MD, FAAFP
    E. Chris Bush, MD, FAAFP
    Luke Casias, MD
    Valerie Castle, DO, FAAFP
    Judith Chamberlain, MD, FAAFP
    Samuel Church, MD, MPH, FAAFP
    Clay Cooper, MD, MBA
    Renee Crichlow, MD, FAAFP
    Jaividhya Dasarathy, MD, FAAFP
    Paul DeChant, MD, MBA, FAAFP
    Dan DeJoseph, MD
    Kristen Dillon, MD, FAAFP
    Anne Donnelly, MD
    Barbara Doty, MD, FAAFP
    Joanna Drowos, DO, MPH, MBA
    Kehinde Eniola, MD, MPH, FAAFP
    John Epling, MD, MS, FAAFP
    Elizabeth Feldman, MD, FAAFP
    David C. Fiore, MD, FAAFP
    Conrad Flick, MD, FAAFP
    James Gill, MD, MPH, FAAFP
    Joseph Gravel, MD, FAAFP
    Mark Greenawald, MD, FAAFP
    Benjamin (Tate) Hinkle, MD, MPH
    Gretchen Irwin, MD, MBA, FAAFP
    Rebecca Jaffe, MD, MPH, FAAFP
    Philip Kaplan, MD, FAAFP
    Christina Kelly, MD, FAAFP
    Thomas Kintanar, MD, FAAFP
    Jeffrey Lanier, MD, FAAFP
    Robert A. Lee, MD, FAAFP
    Michael LeFevre, MD, MSPH
    Erik Lindbloom, MD, MSPH, FAAFP
    C. Emily Lu, MD
    Chris Lupold, MD, FAAFP
    Patricia Matto, DO, FAAFP
    Marc Matthews, MD
    Catherine McCarthy, MD, FAAFP
    Lizzy Wei McIntosh, MD
    Alex McDonald, MD, CAQSM, FAAFP
    Anne Montgomery, MD, MBA, FAAFP
    Margaret O’Dell, MD, FAAFP
    David O'Gurek, MD, FAAFP
    Shivlal Pandey, MD
    Jeff Panzer, MD, MS
    Naomi Parrella, MD, FAAFP
    Shayne Poulin, MD
    Michelle Quiogue, MD, FAAFP
    Mark Rastetter, MD
    Elisabeth Righter, MD, FAAFP
    Jerry Rogers, MD, FAAFP
    David Ross, MD
    Tinsley Rucker, MD
    Stephen Salanski, MD, FAAFP
    Sarah Sams, MD, FAAFP
    Margot Savoy, MD, MPH, FAAFP, FABC, CPE, CMQ, FAAPL
    Alan Schwartzstein, MD, FAAFP
    Jon Seager, MD, FAAFP
    Howard (Andy) Selinger, MD
    Shaila Serpas, MD, MPH, FAAFP
    P. Brent Smith, MD, MSc, MLS, FAAFP
    Daniel Spogen, MD, FAAFP
    Douglas Spotts, MD, FCPP, FAAFP
    Keith Stelter, MD, FAAFP
    Melissa Stephens, MD, MS, FAAFP, DABFM
    Amanda Stisher, MD
    Linda Stone, MD, FAAFP
    Mark Stovak, MD, FACSM, FAAFP
    Tina Tanner, MD, MPH, FAAFP
    Jennifer Tieman, MD
    Marla Tobin, MD, FAAFP
    Shunling Tsang, MD
    Bruce Van Cleave, MD
    Meagan Vermeulen, MD
    David Walsworth, MD, FAAFP
    Mary Jo Welker, MD, FAAFP
    Jay Williamson, MD, FAAFP
    Sirisha Yellayi, MD
    Kim Yu, MD, FAAFP
    Brandon Zabukovic, MD, FAAFP